reflection on responses

Exercise: Design a business card of your own, your card should reflect the work or career that you wish to pursue after high school graduation.

Exercise: Students will create a personal portfolio that could be educational.  whatever  they choose  should include the following:

  • Goal Sheet: Students will identify a personal, social, educational, and cocurricular goal. Also, they will develop a plan for each goal and determine how each goal will be measured.
  • Report Card/ Progress Reports: Students will include their current and prior grade report cards and progress reports in their portfolio.
  • Interest Inventory: Students will include the written results of any assessment tools or inventories used at their school to gather information about their strengths, abilities, interests, or learning styles.

Who is it for?

The course is aimed at anyone who wants to create websites on their own, and possibly work as a freelancer or employee in the field of web design and development. We cover everything, so even if you've never seen HTML code in your life, you'll be able to quickly jump in.